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NEPAL is the country of (Light of the ASIA (Birth place of) Lord BUDHDHA and Highest Peak of the world Mt. EVEREST.) and Heaven of the nature.

The Great People Of Nepal (महान ब्यक्तिहरु)

Lord Buddha (Light of the Asia)

Real Name :  Siddhartha Gautam
Dated of his Lifetime :  As Circa 563 BCE to 483 BCE

Death of Buddha :  486 BCE to 483 BCE  

Birth Place  :   Kapilvastu, Lumbini, Nepal
Name of Father :   Suddodhan Gautam
Name of Mother:   Mayadevi Gautam
Name of Buddha's Wife :  Yashodhara Gautam
Name of Buddha's Son : Rahul Gautam (He had only one son according Hindu Epic)

               Gautama Buddha or Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha (Sanskrit: सिद्धार्थ गौतम बुद्ध; Pali: Siddhattha Gotama), also called Sakyamuni[2][note 1], was a sage[2] from the ancient Shakya republic[3][note 2], on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.[10] He is also referred to as "the Buddha" or most commonly simply as "Buddha."
Buddha means "awakened one" or "the enlightened one." "Buddha" is also used as a title for the first awakened being in an era. In most Buddhist traditions, Siddhartha Gautama is regarded as the Supreme Buddha (P. sammāsambuddha, S. samyaksaṃbuddha) of our age, [note 3] Gautama Buddha may also be referred to as Shakyamuni Buddha, Śākyamuni (Sanskrit: शाक्यमुनि "Sage of the Śākyas") or "The Awakened One of the Shakya Clan."
Gautama taught a Middle Way compared to the severe asceticism found in the Sramana (renunciation) movement [11] common in his region. He later taught throughout regions of eastern India such as Magadha and Kośala.[12][13]
The time of Gautama's birth and death is uncertain: most historians in the early 20th century dated his lifetime as circa 563 BCE to 483 BCE,[14] but more recent opinion dates his death to between 486 and 483 BCE or, according to some, between 411 and 400 BCE.[15] [note 4] However, at a specialist symposium on this question held in 1988 in Göttingen,[14] the majority of those scholars who presented definite opinions gave dates within 20 years either side of 400 BCE for the Buddha's death, with others supporting earlier or later dates. These alternative chronologies, however, have not yet been accepted by all other historians.[16][17]
Gautama is the primary figure in Buddhism, and accounts of his life, discourses, and monastic rules are believed by Buddhists to have been summarized after his death and memorized by his followers. Various collections of teachings attributed to him were passed down by oral tradition, and first committed to writing about 400 years later.
              भगवान गौतम बुद्ध बौद्ध धर्मका प्रणेता हुन। अधिकांश बौद्ध परम्पराले उनीलाई हाम्रो कल्पका एक सम्यक सम्बुद्धको रूपमा मान्दछन। बुद्ध भन्नाले बोधिप्राप्त वा अन्तिम सत्यको साक्षात्कार गरेको महामानव बुझिन्छ। बुद्ध कहलाइनु अघि यिनको नाम सिद्धार्थ गौतम थियो। उनलाई शाक्य मुनि गौतम बुद्ध पनि भनिन्छ।
गौतम बुद्धको जन्म र मृत्यु कहिले भयो भनी यकीनका साथ भन्न नसकिए पनि बीसौं शताब्दिका धेरैजसो इतिहासकारहरू उनको जीवनकाल् ५६३ ईशापूर्व देखि ४८३ ईशापूर्व रहेको भन्ने कुरामा एकमत देखिन्छन्।[१] पछिल्लो समयमा भएका अनुसन्धान अनुसार उनको मृत्यु ४८६ देखि ४८३ ईशापूर्वको वीचमा रहेको मानिएको छ।[२] तथापि गौतम बुद्धको जन्म बैशाख शुक्ल पूर्णिमाको दिन हाल नेपालको  कपिलवस्तुजिल्लाको लुम्बिनी भन्ने ठाउँमा भएको थियो भन्ने कुरामा दुईमत छैन।[३] उनले आफ्नो जीवनकालको पहिलो २९ वर्ष पिताद्वारा प्रदत्त राजसी सुखमा बिताए। तर पनि उनी सदा संसारमा व्याप्त दु:खको कारण र त्यसको निवारण के होला भनी चिन्तित रहन्थे। यही दु:ख निवारणको सत्यमार्ग पत्ता लगाउने उद्देश्यले २९ वर्षको उमेरमा गृहत्याग गरी सिद्धार्थ भारतको विभिन्न ठाउँमा सात वर्षसम्म कष्टदायक तपस्या गर्दै हिंडे। अन्तत: कष्टदायक मार्गले सत्यको प्राप्ति हुन सक्दैन भन्ने महशुस गरी मध्यमार्गको अवलम्बन गर्ने अठोट गरे। बोधगया भन्ने ठाउँमा एक बृक्षको मुनि अधिष्ठानपूर्वक ध्यान गर्दा गर्दै उनलाई सम्यक सम्वोधि प्राप्त भयो र उनी सम्यक सम्बुद्ध कहलाइए। त्यसपछि शेष ४५ वर्षसम्म उनी भारतवर्षका विभिन्न ठाउं पुगी दु:ख निवारण सम्वन्धी आफूलाई प्राप्त महाज्ञान बाँड्न रातदिन लागिपरे।
                                                                                            (Source:- From Wikipedia)

( King Janak) Janakpur, Nepal

            Janaka  (Nepali:  जनक,  Sanskrit:  जनक,  Khmer:  Janak,),  Malay: Maharisi Kala) or Raja Janaka (राजा जनक, rājā janaka) were the kings of Videha Kingdom. Their capital was Mithila, which is believed to be present day Janakpur,    Nepal. The most famous Janak was Seeradhwaj a vaishya king.

Yalamber (The Legend king of Nepal), First Kiranti King
       It is said that during the battle of Mahabharat, Nepal King Yalamber went to witness  the battle with a view to take the side of the losing party. Krishna (General Comander of Pandaves) knowing the intention and strength of Yalamber thought that the war would unnecessarily he prolonged if Yalamber sided with the Kauravs. So by a clever stroke of diplomacy and deceit, Krishna asked Yalamber for his head in return he would be able to witness the war which was about  to take place in the distant plan of Kurukshetra.

King Prithivi Narayan Shah

King Tribhuwan Shah

King Birendra Shah

King Dipendra Shah
Amar Sing Thapa

Bahadur Shah

Tenzing Norgey Sherpa



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